Hello Friends of NeighborSpace of Baltimore County,
I am excited to join the NeighborSpace team as the new Office Administrator!
As a nature lover, raised in the woods of southern Maryland, I understand how vital green space is to everyday well-being and am proud to join NeighborSpace’s mission of ensuring access for all.
I started my career working in the administration office at my college, St. John’s College of Annapolis, where I earned a bachelor’s in liberal arts and also met my wife. After spending a few years working for a law firm in Seattle, I returned home to Maryland, where I got a job working with a small Baltimore nonprofit.
My wife and I have settled down in a quiet corner of Parkville, where we have a wealth of wildlife to watch and a view of Cromwell Valley. We spend most of our free time enjoying simple pleasures like walking the local nature trails or, when the weather is bad, drinking tea and cuddling with our cat, Cardamom.
I’m looking forward to working with and for you all! If you need to reach me, my email is carol@neighborspacebaltimorecounty.org.