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Thank You, Tollgate Wyndham Volunteers!

We are grateful to the many volunteers who have helped to transform Tollgate Wyndham Preserve over the past several months.  Tollgate Wyndham, located in Owings Mills, was overrun with litter and graffiti.  Thanks to efforts from dedicated stewardship partners, neighbors, the St. Thomas Church Green Team, Owings Mills High School students and faculty, and Maryvale Preparatory students and faculty, the park is looking great!  Plans are already underway to host regular volunteer work days, led by community leaders and the local high school, to keep the park healthy and safe for students and neighbors to enjoy.

Over several work days volunteers cleaned graffiti from trees in the park.  They used scrub brushes, a water and castile soap solution, and lots of elbow grease to remove the paint.

Tollgate Wyndham park stewardship partners, dedicated neighbors, the St. Thomas Church Green Team, and Owings Mills High School students and teachers all volunteered to pick up litter and filled over 40 trash bags in clean up events over three months.

Tollgate Wyndham stewardship partner, Dave, monitors the park and makes frequent repairs to the trail and educational kiosk.  Local resident and NeighborSpace board treasurer, Lance, is a frequent volunteer and most recently worked to spread new wood chips at the trailhead.

Students and faculty from Maryvale Preparatory School brought over 150 students to volunteer for two service days.  It is tradition for students to spend a day with their grade-level class volunteering at local organizations one school day each year.  Students cleaned graffiti from trees, picked up litter, and removed invasive multiflora rose plants.

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