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Forever Maryland Free Webinar:New Partnerships, New Successes: Regional Conservation Partnerships in Maryland

Wednesday, October 20th | 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.
David Lillard, Catocin Land Trust
and Greg Bowen, American Chestnut Land Trust
New Partnerships, New Successes: Regional Conservation Partnerships in Maryland

As the African Proverb says, “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” Regional conservation partnerships and networks will continue to be the vehicle for large scale, thoughtful, and collectively impactful conservation. Join this special webinar to learn how new partnerships are sprouting new successes across Maryland and beyond. David Lillard and Greg Bowen will discuss how they are helping their regions go far, together, and to bring about new conservation successes.

David Lillard is Executive Director of Catoctin Land Trust, and coordinates the Heart of Maryland Conservation Alliance. He serves on the steering committee of two other RCPs, including the Safe Water Conservation Collaborative in West Virginia, which he helped form in 2017 while on staff with West Virginia Rivers Coalition. He likes to disappear into the Maryland mountains and walk along their hidden streams.

Greg Bowen has served as Executive Director of the American Chestnut Land Trust for six years. Prior to that he worked for the Calvert County Department of Planning and Zoning for 32 years, the last six as its Director. During that time, he oversaw the county land preservation program, which featured the first transferable development rights program in Maryland, along with two county purchase-of-development rights programs and three state easement programs. He is a member of the American Institute of Certified Planners. 

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